WJEC/Eduqas RS for A2/Yr2: Religion and Ethics (DRAFT)
WJEC / Eduqas Religious Studies for A Level Year 2 and A2 Religion and Ethics
However, a counter to this could be that the above the scientific concept of libertarianism does not illustrate human beings have free choice. This is because some scientists claim that DNA illustrates all humans have a fixed scientific formula. Therefore, human beings are no more than genetic robots; programmed and thus determined by their DNA. There are many empirical scientific studies to support such a conclusion such as Daniel Dennett’s theory of ‘genetic fixity’. The theory of genetic fixity basically states that the genes of parents inevitably determine the characteristics of their children. Therefore, a child’s characteristics, and thus behaviour, is determined from the moment of conception. Therefore, the above scientific view could lead people not to accept libertarianism. Another line of argument that an individual has free choice comes from the psychological concept of libertarianism. This is because Humanist psychologists suggest that human beings can have free will. One such Humanist psychology supporter is Carl Rogers. Rogers argues human beings do have the ability to achieve free will; through the process of ‘self-actualisation’. Self-actualisation involves getting in touch with our real feelings and acting on them. Therefore, the above psychological view could inevitably lead people to accept libertarianism. However, a counter to this could be that Rogers does not prove the concept of libertarianism. This is because Rogers admits that a human being is conditioned from an early age. Therefore, human beings that do not self-actualise, will remain in a psychologically determined condition. Moreover, behaviourist psychologists, like Ivan Pavlov, Watson and Skinner would argue that the determining effects of conditioning cannot be broken. Therefore, the above psychological view could lead people not to accept libertarianism.
AO2 Activity Now you’ve read through this line of argument can you do the following: 1. For each line of argument try to evaluate whether or not you think this is strong or weak. 2. Think of any questions you may wish to raise in response to the arguments. 3. Can you evaluate here by drawing a mini conclusion about the extent psychological arguments do inevitably lead people to accept libertarianism. This activity will help you to start thinking critically about what you read and help you to evaluate the effectiveness of different arguments and from this develop your own observations, opinions and points of view that will help with any conclusions that you make in your answers to the AO2 questions that arise.
Self-actualisation is the process through which we have free will.
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