WJEC/Eduqas RS for A2/Yr2: Religion and Ethics (DRAFT)

T4 Determinism and free will

AO1 Activity Work in groups of four. Firstly, divide the four parts of Arminius free will theory between you: 1. Arminius free will theory – denial of predestination. 2. Arminius free will theory – the effect of original sin on free will. 3. Arminius free will theory – God’s ‘prevenient’ grace (the Holy Spirit) in allowing humans to exercise free will. 4. Arminius free will theory – the Elect and the possibility of rejecting God’s grace and the election of believers being conditional on faith. Each person then summarises their theory in no more than 50 words. Each person then presents their summary to the other three people in their group. Arminius free will theory – Synod of Dort Several years after Arminius’ death his supporters, known as the ‘Remonstrants’, summed up his free will theory into five points at the ‘Synod of Dort’ (1619). The Synod of Dort was an international meeting organised by the Dutch Reformed Church to settle a divisive controversy between Calvinism and Arminianism on the issue of free will and predestination. The five points presented by the Remonstrants were called the ‘Five Articles of Remonstrance’. The five points are basically stated as: 1. Salvation (and condemnation) on the day of judgment is conditioned by the faith (or unbelief) of humankind. 2. The atonement of Jesus Christ is available to all humankind but is limited to only those who trust in Christ. 3. Humankind cannot resist sin by their own will. They need to be aided by the Holy Spirit. 4. The grace of God, through the Holy Spirit is the beginning and continuance of any good, yet humankind may resist the Holy Spirit. 5. Believers are able to resist sin through freely following God’s grace. However, on whether a believer could commit apostasy, Arminius declared that this matter required further study.


4.20 Do the ‘Five Articles of Remonstrance’ accurately sum up Arminius free will argument?

Synod of Dort (1619)


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